Source code for beam_search.conv_align_evaluation_preprocessing

import json
import random
from typing import Dict

[docs]def write_to_file(actions: Dict, partial: Dict, rollout_config: Dict, path: str): rollout_config["actions"] = actions rollout_config["partial"] = {act: list(out) for act, out in partial.items()} with open(path, "w") as f: f.write(json.dumps(rollout_config, indent=4))
[docs]def read_from_file(path: str): with open(path, "r") as f: rollout_config = json.load(f) return rollout_config, rollout_config["actions"], {act: set() for act in rollout_config["actions"]}
[docs]def del_fluent_from_rollout(fluent_name: str, path: str): rollout_config, actions, partial = read_from_file(path) for act, act_cfg in actions.items(): if fluent_name in act_cfg["condition"]: # note that we don't include conditions in `partial` because deleting # a condition makes the action applicable in MORE states act_cfg["condition"].remove(fluent_name) for out in act_cfg["effect"]: if fluent_name in act_cfg["effect"][out]: act_cfg["effect"][out].remove(fluent_name) partial[act].add(out) write_to_file(actions, partial, rollout_config, path)
[docs]def del_from_rollout(num_delete: int, path: str): rollout_config, actions, partial = read_from_file(path) idx = 0 skip_acts = set() random.seed(925) while idx < num_delete: # first randomly select an action that we haven't yet determined is empty available_acts = [act for act in actions if act not in skip_acts] if not available_acts: break act = random.choice(available_acts) # filter by outcomes that have at least one fluent filtered_outs = [ out for out, out_cfg in actions[act]["effect"].items() if len(out_cfg) > 0 ] if not filtered_outs: skip_acts.add(act) continue outcome = random.choice(filtered_outs) partial[act].add(outcome) fl = random.choice(actions[act]["effect"][outcome]) actions[act]["effect"][outcome].remove(fl) idx += 1 write_to_file(actions, partial, rollout_config, path)
[docs]def del_percent_from_rollout(percent: float, path: str): _, actions, _ = read_from_file(path) num_fluents = 0 for _, act_cfg in actions.items(): for _, out in act_cfg["effect"].items(): num_fluents += len(out) del_from_rollout(int(percent * num_fluents), path)
[docs]def add_or_del_fluent(correct_rollout_path, rollout_path, action, outcome, fluent, add: bool=True): rollout_config, actions, _ = read_from_file(rollout_path) with open(correct_rollout_path, "r") as f: correct_rollout = json.load(f) if add: rollout_config["actions"][action]["effect"][outcome].append(fluent) else: rollout_config["actions"][action]["effect"][outcome].remove(fluent) for act, act_cfg in actions.items(): for out, fluents in act_cfg["effect"].items(): if set(fluents) == set(correct_rollout["actions"][act]["effect"][out]) and out in rollout_config["partial"][act]: rollout_config["partial"][act].remove(out) write_to_file(actions, rollout_config["partial"], rollout_config, rollout_path)
[docs]def count_fluents(path: str): _, actions, _ = read_from_file(path) num_fluents = 0 for _, act_cfg in actions.items(): for _, out in act_cfg["effect"].items(): num_fluents += len(out) return num_fluents, int(0.04 * num_fluents)
if __name__ == "__main__": # del_percent_from_rollout( # 0.04, # "beam_search/eval/3/2_modified_run/output_files/rollout_config.json" # ) # del_percent_from_rollout( # 0.50, # "beam_search/eval/2/2_modified_run/output_files/rollout_config.json" # ) # add_or_del_fluent( # "beam_search/eval/2/1_unmodified_run/output_files/rollout_config.json", # "beam_search/eval/2/2_modified_run/output_files/rollout_config.json", # "reset-preferences", # "reset-preferences_DETDUP_reset-preferences__reset-EQ-reset-values", # "(not (have_allergy))", # True # ) print(count_fluents("beam_search/eval/1/1_unmodified_run/output_files/rollout_config.json")) # del_percent_from_rollout( # 0.04, # "eval_3_test_rollout_config.json" # )